““I have been engaged in emotional therapeutic work for over thirty years and have done countless trainings, workshops and weekends during that time. Whether you want to practice as a Family Constellations facilitator or as part of personal development I fully endorse Barbara’s training. Her rigorous commitment to truth and the depth of trust thereby fostered is what I value as the bedrock for depth work. If you get the opportunity take it, teachers at Barbara’s level are very rare.””
— Angus Landman (Founder of The Practice Rooms and psychotherapist)
““The training stretched and challenged me more than I ever expected, forcing me to confront huge reservoirs of pain that I carefully buried or didn’t even know were inside me. I learnt about some of my blind spots and discovered that my ‘stories’ about my family did not represent the real truth. Working through storms of grief, rage and other emotions gradually lightened the load I was carrying, enabling me to start connecting to my family and others like never before, and to finally begin experiencing a sense of belonging. I am so grateful that I’ve had the privilege to do this training.””
— Naphia
““What is special for me about this training is how the personal and the professional are interwoven, stitched together in every exercise, every discussion so that one’s development in both areas co mingle and you realise that all facilitation is personal and all personal work is a form of facilitation.””
— Rici
““This training has been a ‘life changer’, helping with my relationships with family and friends and connecting with people generally. It has started me on my path for facilitating constellations. Each session with Barbara is a masterclass in Family Constellations. She lives and breathes this work and her passion for it shines through.””
— Ann
““Barbara switched to online trainings despite the technical difficulties, finding the support she needed to learn the new technical skills. Her determination to carry on providing the invaluable Family Constellation work for us trainees was relentless and I am sure this took its toll on her! She was hugely supportive to all of us, and everyone struggled at some time. I think her commitment to FC work and her attunement to herself and embodiment of the work shone through and was very inspiring. We were all offered experience of online constellating - which has been invaluable. I found that the personal work done in the trainings has been second to none - no therapy can beat the group experience for facing up to ourselves. The constellations work, increasing awareness of the knowing field, the time spent working on embodiment, developing our intuition and creative natures, in contrast to the development of the intellect and structure has brought me many gifts. I am enjoying the increasing space in my life, the ever-growing deepening love I experience and the confidence to facilitate this amazing work. I can’t wait for the next training.” ”
— Nic
““The training provided me with the experiential teaching support and safe space to delve deep personally, bringing me to a place of being able to state simple truths and acknowledge what is without pretence or masks, which has brought immeasurable healing for me and my family.
The training has enabled me to understand my own entanglements and patterns of behaviour. It took me on a journey where judgement began to fall away and being authentic to who I am came to the fore, relieving my burden of guilt, shame, resentment and anger. Barbara’s experiential teaching showed me ways to regenerate the lost parts of myself.
I feel more at ease, more accepting and at home with myself, which has rippled out and impacted the people around me. It has deepened and strengthened my relationships, with myself and others.
The more I witness and experience Barbara Morgan teach and do Constellation Work, the more it moves me into a way of behaving, into understanding, into humility and gentleness.
It has resourced me with the strong, solid foundations and trust in myself and the Greater Family Soul, for being able to step into facilitating constellations where I can be an instrument for supporting love, generativity and healing, and shine a light on old attachments and unresolved generational trauma.
I feel so deeply grateful to Barbara for wholeheartedly sharing her wealth of experience, knowledge and connected wisdom.” ”
— Patricia
“At the beginning of the weekend I was struck when we started with one constellation where the person was obviously experiencing some quite painful emotions and Barbara had her repeating something like, ‘this is bigger than all of us’. Throughout the weekend I was able to see that the work in which we were engaging was somehow very much bigger than all of us. The ground that we touched upon and the places we visited as a group, whilst obviously being so very personal in each individual’s constellation, were also universal and collective. It was fascinating to see how a group of seven strangers can come together over one weekend and share events and feelings in their lives that run so deep and have such a big effect, being so intimate with each other. I think this is because the work seems to be about drawing on energy and experiences that we all have in common within the connected ground of our ancestry, drawing on a wellspring of love and wisdom from our ancestors. I think we were all very much more connected to ourselves and one another at the end of the weekend and to me this was testimony to the importance of the work in helping us to come into closer relationship with the universal themes of suffering and love that we all share. For most of the weekend I felt overwhelmed with the sense that there is so much suffering in our individual lives, so much suffering in the world, and suffering that stretches back throughout our shared history. The work seemed to open a space in which we as a group were able to come more into relationship with this suffering, to bring it out into the open and make it more visible amongst us. It provided a context in which all the participants could share and what we were able to see was that we all share some degree of suffering in common, and that our ancestors shared this also. Most importantly though the work allowed movement towards resolution and healing. The extent of suffering revealed was held by an even greater extent of love that was present amongst us. I came away from the weekend overwhelmed with the sense that there is so much love, care, and tenderness that we all share which is also bigger than all of us! Our capacity to bring love to each other was extremely moving as was our capacity to engage with what seemed like a very natural movement towards healing. The work we did touched deep personal levels of suffering and love but also deeper levels of what seemed like transpersonal suffering and love that were beyond all our individual experiences and lives. This seemed to be engendered by our reaching back and re-membering our ancestors, witnessing each other’s families and ancestors individually and also a collective re-membering which seemed to create a space for something ‘other’ to enter. It was as if we opened up a space which allowed greater forces to move. I remember doing some group work once with a definite sense of an epiphany occurring, which was experienced by several different members of the group (and actually came on a gust of wind!), and the group leader intuitively and immediately asked the question ‘whether this was something blowing in or something blowing out’. My immediate response was that this was something moving in and he said that ‘when our souls move, the world soul moves too’. I had a sense on our constellations weekend that the world soul was moving with us! After the weekend I found myself asking questions about the process and trying to fathom why it seems to work. After all, there seems to be no scientific methodology behind the process of group members representing members of your family and ancestors within a constellation. I very quickly managed to let go of this questioning and realised that there is something magical and mysterious about the process and that perhaps we will never be able to come to any rational understanding of why and how it works. It was as if I had to let go into a sense of faith, faith that the forces of love and healing are bigger, deeper, and more mysterious than I could ever hope to fathom, and that I simply had to let go and trust. It feels to me as if we re-ordered something at a deep level on our weekend, as if we moved pieces around which meant that the order of the whole was somehow more healed and correct. It has left me with a sense that the work was really precious and that what we did was immensely valuable and so much needed. I have been involved with a Buddhist movement for many years and always felt that there was something missing, some kind of big hole that was never given enough attention. It seems clear to me now that this big hole has been about family and ancestry and that this has not been sufficiently valued, both in me and in the wider movement I have been involved with. Of course one of the principles of Buddhism is renunciation and this includes ‘going forth’, as the Buddha did from his family in search of Enlightenment. But I think it is a mistake for us now in our time and place to think of going forth from the family in particular. If anything we need to have more of an emphasis on going back to revisit and re-member our family and ancestors. I wonder how people can hope to be spiritual and move towards something called Enlightenment without the opportunity to revisit and heal our family and ancestors. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to have been introduced to this work by Barbara Morgan. I really appreciated what an intuitive, insightful, and compassionate touch she brought to the group work. May many more have the opportunity to work with her in helping to bring this very much needed healing to our world.”